Meaning they will be able to "evolve" crucible at a faster pace and react more quickly than they could in the past. In addition to the changes coming this summer regarding 6v6 quickplay and always-on Rumble playlist, they specify that "for the first time" curcible improvements are going to be "decoupled" from content expansions.

Mods will no longer boost item by 5 points in power.Most mods learned about by GI will allow you to specialize a peice of gear into a preferred play style, like hip fire or airborne accuracy, or extra damage to vehicles.Will feature fewer conditionals that limit what class or weapon type they can apply to.They will act as a way of doubling down on weapons that you like.Will serve as the player's way of improving and customizing, even beyond random rolls.Mods are recoverable from dismantled legendary gear.imagine one or two weeks before you can even earn the next batch. We'll probably deliver three on day one, and have the others take a little bit longer than players are used to. Scott Taylor said, "On the subclasses right now there are two diamonds on the right at the top and bottom of the screen.Solar is area of denial turrets of flame, void create shield for all enemies in range, arc will pull guardians towards them.Īnother interesting bit about the new Subclass abilities: Chieftains - Throw out three types of totems, one of each element, each does something different.Ravagers - Charging hunchbacks with spinning lantern-like censers they slam into the ground, creating a solar flame attack.Raiders - Send out explosive spinning saw blades of void energy, can teleport.Screeb - Scramble on all fours in packs, explode like cursed-thralls but with much more range on explosion.Mongrels - Tower over battlefield, blast out cascades of lightning that are near-impossible to dodge.A great secret awaits discovery at the end of the cycle, as destination becomes "more and more cursed".Dreaming City will literally change from one week to the next along a 3-week cycle, as Petra Venj relocates over time.Will take weeks to fully unravel the mystery.Destination exists across "dual planes", can be pulled into Ascendant Realm with Taken foes.Elven homeland is under threat from "an isidious dragon that has infected its heart.".Size of location is about the size of Nessus.Quest after the campaign that will open access to this location, but difficulty may be too high to do much here initially for most players.Can't enter this location until you finish the campaign.Lots of info shared in it, ask any additional questions and I'll try to answer. "Going to hijack my top comment in here to compile all the questions I've answered today from the GI article so it's all in one place, since some are buried. New GeForce Now Leak May Hint at Big Pattern About Fable and The Elder Scrolls 6 A GeForce Now leak seemingly reveals release dates for games like Fable and Elder Scrolls 6, but while it's doubtful, there's an interesting pattern.Section 1: General Info from Reddit User AskMeAboutMyPatreon.Patrick Kirk (481 Articles Published) More From Patrick Kirk