Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple: At the conclusion of the Ragnarok arc, the Elder airdrops Kenichi into the final battle.
The troops, being veteran Nazi soldier vampires, don't need to bother with parachutes.
Seen again when Millenium begins its invasion of London.
Walter jumps out of a plane without a parachute while carrying A l u ca r d and his coffin.
Gundam Wing also have orbital entry ships, especially prominent in The Movie.
Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED Destiny have orbital drop operations, carried out using ship-launched Drop Pods.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team does this in one episode.
Being a badass Hollywood Cyborg, she usually doesn't even need a parachute.
Ghost in the Shell: The Major is fond of doing this.
Within a couple of seconds, the entire slug dissipates into the atmosphere without a trace.
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within: One scene involves soldiers jumping from a plane, but instead of using parachutes, they deploy "High Density Gas", a slug of gel-like compressed gas that starts rapidly evaporating upon impact, forming a cushion into which the soldier falls as if into water.
Happens again in the second arc (complete with Stock Footage) when the Melkian army formally decides to back the Kummen government against the Veela rebels.
Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Seen at the end of the first arc when the Melkian army makes their move and deploys an entire airborne AT battalion to lay siege to the corrupt Woodo police department.
Aldnoah.Zero: Happens in epic fashion in the first season finale when Mustang Platoon does a HALO jump from the lower atmosphere to assault Castle Saazbaum.